Want one tip to improve your job hunt game?

Welcome back to my blog, and to another article. This time, after an extended, shall we say, ‘mental health hiatus’, we’re back and ready to talk about all things careers.  As many of you will know from my Instagram, @sabbys.graduate.life (used to be @sabbystudies), I graduated back in July, and have spent the last few monthsContinue reading “Want one tip to improve your job hunt game?”

5 lessons I’ve learnt from living with social anxiety at university

Living with a mental illness is something that makes life difficult at the best of times, and social anxiety is no exception to this. Feeling anxious can regularly affect you and your behaviour in what should be chilled situations with friends, at parties, or even in class. To top it all off, for me movingContinue reading “5 lessons I’ve learnt from living with social anxiety at university”

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